Blød gummiskraber til påføring af solfilm.Bruges med MAXHANDLE eller POIGNVITR. Soft squeegee for solar films, compatible with MAXHANDLE
Sæt med 5 lyserøde skrabere i forskellige størrelser.Anvendes til BODYFENCE og beskyttende film. Kit of 5 pink squeegees of different sizes for the installation of BODYFENCE films
SHAGRELOAD makes it possible to wash and protect the SKINTAC films without using a single drop of water. Its unique formulation allows you to revive the shine of your film-coated surfaces. The complex formulation of SHAG RELOAD makes it a unique product. This product guarantees professional results without any risk of scratching and in a very short period...
SURFACE PREPARATION High-performance active foam: traces of adhesive or insects (mosquitoes) is no match for its action less smelling formulation (Vs. Remover). Optimal volume – transparent spray bottle: easy to carry and use (clear view of the liquid remaining in the bottle). Available in 1L spray bottles as well as 6x1L packs.
SURFACE PREPARATION High-performance active foam: traces of adhesive or insects (mosquitoes) is no match for its action less smelling formulation (Vs. Remover). Optimal volume – transparent spray bottle: easy to carry and use (clear view of the liquid remaining in the bottle). Available in 1L spray bottles as well as 6x1L packs.
SHAGREMOV er et aktivt rengøringsmiddel af høj kvalitet, som fjerner limrester, insekter m.m
This quickly-applicable polishing cream facilitates the routine maintenance of your glossy SKINTAC films and enhances their wear resistance. It is very easy to apply in record time (+/- half an hour), effectively protects the film-coated surface against external stress and provides a unique water-repellent effect.
Skraber til montering på små og svært tilgængelige dele af karosseriet Squeegee specifically for installing films in hard-to-reach areas of the bodywork (wings and door surrounds)
Sprayflaske i metal, 19 liter med 6m slange. Anvedes til sprayning af større mængder, f.eks. sæbevand på ruder
Infrarød varmelampe på rullestativ Lampe chauffante infrarouge sur trépied à roulettes.
klingeknækker med beholder Boîte de récupération et casse-lames usagées
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